Every spring, Cortona and its people are lead back in time, to the ancient medieval splendor of the city. Walking on the streets you could meet ladies and knights, flag flyers and soldiers all dressed with fine costumes. This amazing event is the result of the pure passion and love for the city of a group of citizen that dedicate to it their energy, skills and time . Cortona is divided in 5 quartiers (Quintieri), according to the number of main streets (five) that linked the entrance gateways on the city walls to the town centre. Each Quintiere is representative of the different areas of the town: Sant'Andrea, San Marco e Poggio, Peccioverardi, San Vincenzo and Santa Maria. Nowadays they do not have any institutional function but their activities are mainly cultural and recreational. |
It's from June the 2nd until the 12th the Cortona is officially turned into a medieval wonderland, starting with the Medieval Market during wich you can taste delicious old flavours, be enchanted watching craftsmen shaping copper or making basketry, satisfy your shopping cravings with medieval jewels paying with florins of Cortona, which are used as currency of exchange. A time of fun for all ages!
Things start to be more serious during the Saturday preceeding the joust (that actually is a competion!): during the Tratta delle Verrette infact the moment of deciding the shooting order of the joust come and tension is visible on crossbowmen's eyes! They are the primary protagonist of the Archidado, on Sunday, when they will show their ability, trying to hit the centre of the target, a slightly imperceptible dot to most of the people, but perfectly visible to them and their arrows. It's a true emotion, staring at them while a crowded Piazza Signorelli is completely silent.
Courious to know who will win this year and celebrate during the conclusive Medieval Costume Dinner?
Live these emotions in your home right in the heart of Cortona, have a look at our proposals here and start planning your experience.
Accommodations: http://www.rentintuscany.it/rentals/italy-23424853/checkIn:2016-06-02/checkOut:2016-06-13/sort:relevance
Informations: click here
Organizers: http://www.giostraarchidado.com/en/the-protagonists/consiglio-dei-terzieri.aspx and http://www.sbandieratoricortona.com/